Tag Archives: warm-ups

Dynamic Stretching

Wow. It’s been a looooong winter and my muscles are still cold.  Like most of us, I need to do some serious stretching as I ease into my summer fitness regime.

Stretching isn’t something I do much of. I know I should but somehow I’m been more focused on getting out and getting moving than on being properly prepared to move. Fortunately, my preferred form of exercise is walking so the lack of preparation hasn’t caused any problems. I am, however, feeling my increased activity, especially after walking 20,000 steps. That’s why I’m really glad I came across this video on dynamic stretching.

Stretching on the move

Seems like a lot has changed since my last visit to a gym. The stretching I remember is clunky and not much fun. This looks much easier. Better yet, it doesn’t look nearly as boring. Maybe I should give it a try, before I get my bike out for the first time in May.