Tag Archives: BMI

Benefits of Knowing your BMI

Benefits of Knowing your BMI

I know my BMI. I don’t particularly agree with it, but I know it. That doesn’t make me real unique among folks who know their BMI although just knowing your BMI isn’t the norm among the general population.

Let’s be honest, I know my BMI because I work in wellness. Before that, even though I didn’t know it, I had a pretty good idea what ballpark it fell in. I had no idea that that knowledge was unusual.

BMI, it turns out, is a bit controversial and not just among professional athletes for whom it is obviously misleading because they have no body fat. For the average person, I thought and still think BMI is a decent measure of what kind of shape and health you are in. Decent, not perfect. Not everyone agrees with me.

My guess is that most people don’t want to admit how much fat they are (or aren’t) carrying around. They want to believe they are in better shape and healthier than they are. Who doesn’t?

The problem is, by refusing to accept that their BMI is a relatively accurate reflection of both of those, they are creating hurdles for themselves. Extremes are rarely good things and that is true for BMI as well. Too high and, as this article points out, individuals are prone to a variety of health complications related to being overweight or obese. There are health issues associated with low BMI too and not just because it may indicate a person has an eating disorder. 

Here’s the thing: people don’t need to get hung up on BMI. They need to look at is as just another facet of their overall health picture. To really understand their health they have to look at the whole picture.

Take me, for instance. I think my BMI is too low. I’m not in great shape and carry more fat around than I should. Because I am tall and slender, however, my BMI is in an ideal range. The problem with that is it potentially lulls me into a false sense of security when, in fact, I still face some significant health risks because of my inactivity. 

I think everyone should know their BMI, not because it is a good indicator of your overall health but because it is a good place to start the discussion, with your doctor, your family, your friends and, most of all, yourself.